Women Empowering Women (WEW) | Ripon CA

Happily introducing Women Empowering Women (WEW)!
Rachael Venema is partnering with Jolene Peters, owner of Studio Joy, to provide encouragement, inspiration and support to women in our community.
We welcome any woman to join us! WEW are mothers, women in business, entrepreneurs, leaders, visionaries, creators and servers. Together we come together with the shared desire to encourage and support one another on any of the diverse paths our unique characteristics lead us down. In life, and in business, may we all have a safe haven for community over competition.Within this group of diverse and like-minded women, we will dive in to support and guide each other through the unique challenges we face as visionaries. (YES, we are all creators!)
As we come together to encourage each other, and lean in on one another’s area of expertise, the collective purpose will be to elevate and empower our businesses and lives.
What inspires you? What are your dreams, goals and ideas?
It’s time to put the overwhelming feelings that accompany stepping out in confidence aside! Set your wheels in motion with functional, real steps toward creating your best LIFE, and the BUSINESS you can imagine!Sharing and collaboration are the fundamental building blocks for starting something great! Lets learn, create and grow together with insight and direction.
•••for her with her because i am her and so are you•••
VISION BOARDING - At our inaugural meeting January 30th we will be creating individual vision boards! We’ll provide poster boards and magazines- you supply your unique vision!
Women Empowering Women will meet the last Wednesday of every month at Studio Joy from 12:30-1:30pm.
This is a free community group. Sign up on the Studio Joy app or CLICK HERE and go to Jan. 30th on the Studio Joy calendar, and let us know you’re coming, so we can have enough supplies for everyone! We are so excited to see you there![