Why NOW is the perfect time to get your family photos taken
“She’s beautiful. Her nose is adorable. She has her father’s eyes. She’s the most precious thing in the world.”
The mother looks down again at her precious newborn daughter. “I want to remember this moment forever.”
The mother looks at the father sitting on the bed next to her. “Honey, I want to take newborn photos as a family in the next couple of weeks, but I know I’ll look terrible. I have all of this baby weight. There’s no way I will look good in these photos.”
Tears roll down her cheeks.
She looks down at her newborn baby girl.
She smiles.
“I want to remember your beautiful face forever, like pictures of me as a baby and my mom. Who cares what I look like.”
There’s absolutely nothing like holding your newborn baby and taking family pictures.

There’s never a perfect time for family portraits.
Someone is always busy.
Kids are busy with sports or school activities. You and your husband are busy with work and managing the kiddos.
A family portrait requires color coordinating, clearing schedules, and lots and lots of smiles.
It can be stressful to set aside time for a family portrait.
But it’s always worth it.
It’s always worth it to capture those special moments in your family’s life.
To capture that moment in everyone’s life is something you’ll always look back on with the fondest of memories.
It’s a reminder of those old Mastercard commercials:
Matching kids’ outfits for family portrait: $125
Gel for boys’ hair: $4
New boots for family portrait: $45
The perfect family portrait: Priceless.
Capturing that perfect, priceless picture of your baby or your family is something you will cherish forever. Don’t wait for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Life is too short to take just a couple pictures a year.
That’s why family photography shouldn’t just be a seasonal moment. Family or baby photography is a NOW moment.

Here are a couple reasons why NOW is the perfect moment for a family portrait.
Capture every moment of your child.
Are you capturing every special moment of your child?
From their first smile, their first crawl, to their first steps, having a baby or toddler portrait is something you will want to remember forever.
The first year of your newborn goes by in a blink. Then the second child comes along, and it goes by even faster.
Your baby’s first year is something you’ll always want to remember. Having a monthly baby portrait as your baby grows through each season is a special memory to have.
From a toddler waddling to a 6-year old missing their two front teeth are NOW moments you should capture and have in your family and baby photography books.
Family changes every year.
Family changes can happen so quickly throughout the years. You’ll notice so much of a difference in your family from one Christmas photo to the next.
That’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to round up the family for a spring portrait during almond blossom season.
Don’t hesitate to take a fun, memorable summer portrait.
Your family portrait should be full of memories of every season and in any moment.
You’ll hold onto those memories longer and remember them more fondly. Don’t leave a gap in your family or baby photo book.
Professional photography is an opportunity to preserve those family memories before those special moments are gone.
Every moment is special.
Portrait photography, baby photography, pregnancy photography, and couples’ photography are all NOW reasons to have your family photo.
When was the last time you had family photos taken?
Don’t wait for the next family get together or the next Christmas photo for your family portrait to be taken.

Contact me to learn more about creating a family portrait experience that you will love!
Where you will not only love the photos, but you'll love the memories of that time with spent with your family.
Click here to contact me or you can call or email the studio any time.
(209) 456-9353