Backup Your Photos | Why Prints are Important | Ripon CA Photography Studio
I get it, life is busy. Running around after little ones, bouncing the baby on your hip, driving your kids to school and sporting events, and trying to keep these people all fed. Life is just very full.
As a mom to three, and a business owner of a Ripon CA Photography Studio, I totally understand. Trying to juggle everything is hard and things often fall by the wayside. We wish we had time to print photo books for each child and put their prints in albums and find time to backup all those digital files on our phone, computer, and other devices. But where do find the time to do all of this?
I've got a few tips to help you out:
Google Photos: Backup your phone, or whatever device you use to take everyday photos with. Anything can happen to it. From dropping it in a toilet (yes, it happens more often than you think), to dropping it on the ground and breaking the screen.
Chatbooks: or something similar that prints little photo books automatically and you can approve them before they get printed. It's cheap and easy and your kids will love them. It's a fun way to have something for your kids to look thru and they even put the dates on the book for you. You can choose to keep captions included or not and it's so fun getting the little books in the mail. CLICK HERE for a $10 discount code.
Time Machine/External Harddrive Backup: If you have an iMac then you can connect an external harddrive and set your Time Machine on your imac to backup every evening. This way you have a physical backup stored of everything on your computer or other harddrives connected to your computer. CLICK HERE for more details on how this works. I highly recommend having at least 2 ways you backup your photos because harddrives do fail and can be lost or damaged in your home.
Cloud Backup: There are a bunch of different cloud backup systems out there. Your Apple/Mac has iCloud that you can connect to backup multiple Mac computers and devices or you can use BackBlaze and pay as little as $5/month to have your entire computer backed up every night. (I personally use BackBlaze. CLICK HERE for a free month from Backblaze.)
Whatever way you choose to backup, I highly recommend backing up your entire computer and photos multiple ways (whether on your computer, harddrive, or devices/phones). Because everything WILL fail at some point.
Also, print your favorite images and put them in an album or display them in your home. Prints have an average life span of 100 years, whereas a digital file will last at most 10 years due to the speed of changing technology and how easily a digital file can be lost. Think about it, where will your kids and grandkids find your photos? Saved on a cd that no longer can be accessed, or on your cloud storage that they have no idea how to access.
Having printed images are what your family and generations will truly treasure.
If the thought of planning family portraits and figuring out the best way to display them in your home is overwhelming to you? Let me help! I'd love to set a time for me to come to your home and talk about your portraits and what ways they could be beautifully displayed in your home.
Let's chat!
Contact me today: (209) 456-9353 or click here for the Contact form and I'd love to schedule a time to meet.