Baby's First Year | Baby Photographer Ripon
Your baby's first year will be here before you know it.
As will year 5, year 13, and year 18. I know it's crazy to think about when they are so small and tiny. The saying is so true that "the days are long, but the years are short." When you have a baby, everyone tells you to cherish the moments because they pass by so quickly. "Before you know it they'll be in school." "Before you know it they'll be graduating high school." So you remind yourself to cherish the moments, because everyone says how fast it goes.
Let me tell you, that the first year goes by quickly because you are so exhausted from loving this child that you have been blessed with. You care for every single one of their needs. You put aside your own needs and put their needs first. You give them the most attention one could ever give between feeding, changing, bathing, cleaning, sleeping, and crying. You would do anything and everything for your child. So because of this, time flies. Time passes, no matter how much you try slowing it down or making it stop.
So momma, give yourself grace.
Grace in each day and each passing year. Your child knows that you love them. As long as they are loved, they have everything they need. Know that you have given far beyond enough. Know that God gave you that very child because YOU were the perfect mom for your child.
We will still continue to mourn the time that has past, but let's also enjoy the time we have right now and look forward to the days ahead. Let's strive to be more intentional with how our time is spent with our children and also how we care for ourselves (self care.. that is a whole post in itself). And show up and love them. I promise you, the days they will remember are the ones where you spent time with them.
About this 1 Year Old's Photo Session
Sweet Aiden is nicknamed "Minion" and loves balloons but isn't quite so sure about cake. He loves to play with it but isn't so sure he likes the taste of it. Playing with it is way more fun.
His parents selected a beautiful canvas to go on his bedroom wall of him wearing a Minion hat, as well as a collage of his photos framed for them to enjoy looking at and remembering his fun sticking up hair, his big blue eyes, and the greatest facial expressions. He will see these photos displayed in their home and know that he is loved.
Cupcake from Small Cakes in Ripon.

Contact us today to schedule your Baby's First Year photos!
(209) 456-9353 or