The Meaning Behind a Photo | Family Photographer Ripon CA

Nowadays we take a lot of photos of our family. We probably take way more photos than any other generation ever has. I often wonder, does this change the meaning of a photo? Do we take photos for granted? Thinking we'll always have access to them?
Do you have a favorite photo? Or maybe a favorite photo session and gallery of photos? What have you done with them? Do you have them out to enjoy every day or are they just shared on Facebook or Instagram?
I love looking at the photos on display in my home. Each photo has a story. From the one of my family that we took right before we moved from the Chattanooga, TN, area. I hired a photographer, who was also a dear friend. That photo makes me think of our years there and all the memories from those 6 years. It also makes me remember my friend, even though she's not in the photo. She made that session so special and fun for our family. I have one image from that session printed as a size 20x30 in our living room and it brings me so much joy to look at it on a daily basis.I also have a print of my grandparents' wedding photo along side a more recent print of them. They are getting older and my grandma now has dementia, so sadly she doesn't always remember who I am. I have so many wonderful memories of them and being able to see those prints reminds me to pray for them right now while they are going thru some really tough stuff.
We often now take photos with our phones and post them on Facebook or Instagram and enjoy it for a bit until it's bumped down on our feed to be forgotten. Once in awhile we get a Facebook memory that will remind us of that event. But after that, it's gone.. bumped back down into the past.
Now think back to when a photo or print was so precious that maybe a family would only have a handful of images to remember their past and their family history. These prints are pieces of their legacy and were all that was left to be able to see the faces of their generations that had gone before them.Often they would get an artist to paint or photographer to take a photo and those who could afford it, would create a large piece of artwork out of it to display in their home. To remember where they came from. To remember the generations that had gone before them.
How do we treasure our images of our family now? We are now in an age where we can get so creative with the photos that we take. Your family portrait truly is an amazing piece of art.Think about your family five or ten years from now. Will you have prints or an album for your children and eventually grandchildren to look thru and recall your family stories and history together?
And right now, do you display images of your family and children in your home? These are the most precious people in your life. Why not create art and beautiful portraits of your family to display in your home. If you're looking for artwork that has meaning... how much more meaningful can it get, than to display your own family's portraits.
Interested in creating artwork for your home from your family portraits?
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation either on the phone or in-person.
Needs some tips on how to have a STRESS FREE Family Photo Session??? Click here for a freebie with tips to help you out!